
Drinking Water & Wastewater Treatment

Water & Energy Audit

Air Pollution Monitoring & Control

Environmental Permitting & Auditing

Municipal Water Infrastructure Asset Management

Training & Adjunct Teaching and Research


RC-WEE verifies ongoing operations and provides the optimum water, energy, and environmental solutions that guarantee the customer’s net returns.

Water and energy efficiency at the municipal-water and industrial-manufacturing facilities are critical in the day-to-day operations. Compliance with the applicable environmental requirements keeps the municipal and industrial clientele at the pinnacle of Environmental stewardship. RC-WEE Solutions provides utmost support on customer’s water-efficiency, energy-smart, and environmental compliance operations.

Project Experience

Proven, Performance Water-Infrastructure Contracting Projects (PWIC)

Customer Testimonial #1

Customer Testimonial #2

Technical Reference Paper


Water-infrastructure improvement project development, installation, and measurement and verification (M&V).


Process and Energy efficiency evaluation of municipal and industrial water and wastewater facilities.


Design and verification of various municipal and industrial water and wastewater facilities.


Local limits and NPDES permitting, including TMDL review and verification.


Environmental regulation applicability determination(s) and issuance of permits with applicable requirements.


Environmental compliance auditing of various municipal, industrial, and institutional facilities.


Third-party verification of environmental requirements and compliance certification.


Environmental – air (NSR/PSD, MACT/BACT/RACT, Synthetic-minor, major/minor sources), water, wastewater (NPDES), solid-waste, and fuels and product storage (spill plans and integrated-plans) -- permitting of a proposed (then) 5,000-bbl/d waste coal-to-clean fuels and power generation facility, in PA.


Environmental permitting (including performance testing) of various industrial and institutional facilities.


Air emissions’ inventories for various industrial (including livestock) manufacturing operations.


Conductance of Field verification of municipal and industrial air and/or water processing technologies and report preparation.


Industrial consultancy and sponsored research project conductance and report preparation.


Complete technical and professional support on field implementation of projects and, the final measurement and verification.

Technical Papers

Treated and Regulated Effluents of the U.S. Municipal Wastewater to Making Direct Potable Reuse (DPR)


Drinking Water Treatment in the U.S.—A Review of Capital Cities’ CCRs


EHS-101 or 1001 Introductory Course in College Education—A Critical Review of EHS Elements


Regulatory Requirements and Sustainable Management of Wastewater Sludges


The Total Phosphorus with Point and Non-Point Inflows to Great Lakes—A Critical Review and GLWQA Targets


The Mississippi River Basin Nitrogen Problem: Past History and Future Challenges to Solve It


Municipal Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Management and the Sustainable Utility—A Performance Contracting (PC) Review


Trends in Drinking Water Treatment and Regulatory Requirements: Preparing for the Future


Municipal Wastewater Treatment Operations—The Environmental and Energy Requirements


Conditioning and Mechanical Dewatering of Municipal Wastewater Biosolids—A Critical Review


Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions From Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) and Innovative abatement Technologies — A Review


Third-Party Environmental Audit — A Tool for Industrial Environmental Compliance


Environmental Permitting of Industrial Facilities A Review of Requirements


Air Permitting of IGCC Plants


Energy Resilient Municipal Water and Wastewater Operations  A One Water System Review


A Historical Review of Water Quality Conditions in Lake Erie Watershed from 1928 to 2022


Renewable Energy Technologies and Water Infrastructure